Sample Reflection

All Things Bright and Beautiful

He has made everything beautiful in its time.

—Ecclesiastes 3:11

Walking today, I saw the most gorgeous bright blue butterfly, floating through the air on its gossamer wings. Then I saw a precious squirrel running through the grass with a nut in his mouth. God’s beautiful creatures out and about living gloriously in this beautiful weather on God’s great earth. And then comes winter, the temperature drops, trees lose their leaves, flowers wilt, and it’s time for all nature to draw in, resting and restoring until spring returns again. These gorgeous electric-blue butterflies hibernate, and the squirrels huddle up, trying to survive on the hidden nuts they have stored for this wintry time of life. Sometimes we meet such a season as this, a wintry freeze of life where we need to pull away from the world and surround ourselves with God’s love and protection just as his precious animals in nature do during the winter months. There are just such times as these, no matter what the month of the year may be, when we must draw ourselves to our Lord and rest there until we move through the frozen and debilitating challenges of life. During this time, our Father wants us to draw near to him for warmth, letting him deal with the icy, freezing weather we are facing, leaving us wrapped in the warmth of his protective arms. We are covered for protection by our Lord’s love as he goes forth to bring resolution to whatever it is that we are working through during this time of cold and barren living. How great it is to have a Father who will always be there to deal with those times of life that take us to a wintry place where we don’t want to go and certainly don’t want to stay. He knows that it is only a matter of time until he warms everything.


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Every day, God reveals himself through the smallest details in our lives. But how often do we take the time to recognize and appreciate these moments? Reflect on God’s blessings with Finding God in the Everyday—365 daily readings to open our hearts to his presence in the world he has created.

Janet Evans is married and lives in Dallas, Texas. She has four children who are married and eight precious grandchildren. Having survived pancreatic cancer at the age of 52, she rediscovered God's presence in a mighty way as he walked her through this journey. Her daily readings are a result of that journey. She continues to write, seeing God reveal himself more as each day unfolds. Her hope is that those who read these daily thoughts are encouraged and equipped to see our Lord as they go about each day, for he is always revealing himself to us.




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