For the Greater Good

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. -1 John 3:16 

I was chatting with a dear friend a few days ago and we were discussing a situation that was difficult for the family involved. As we talked, we both realized that the sacrifice they were making was so meaningful because people who come behind them will benefit from their experience. For the greater good. So many times we are asked to do something that requires great sacrifice. We may have the option to do it or we may not. But the truth revealed to us by our Lord is that, in living out that call, so many times we are doing something that will be good for future generations of people. Whenever or whatever brings about a change for the better somehow makes walking through tough times easier, more peaceful, more bearable, for the greater good of those to come. Those men and women who serve in our military come to mind, for it is their dedication to our country to protect and serve that provides us with a much 'greater good'. And we are thankful. We have lives that are so much more than we would have otherwise. We have been given the perfect example of doing for the greater good by our Lord and Savior, who gave up His very own life so that we can have life and have it abundantly. He went to the cross so that we can dwell forever in His presence. So as we are met by a challenge that puts us to the test, let us find comfort and peace in knowing that those who will follow may benefit from our time in the trenches, for the greater good. 



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