Hardly Looking or Looking Hardly?

You word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. -Psalm 119:105

Mojo, my sweet Mojo and I were walking this morning, and as we walked through the streets in vast need of repair, he was hardly looking at where he was stepping. We walked over and around some mighty big holes a few times, but he always missed stepping in them without seeming to be looking for them. He must have a dog radar that reveals to him the dangers ahead and where to step. In the same way, we as children of the Almighty God can sometimes be hardly looking as we go through the trials we are facing, hoping they will soon disappear. But at other times, we are looking hardly at them, trying to figure out the best way to navigate them.  Hardly looking and trying to skirt through trials by ignoring them or looking hardly at them and needing a firm direction in which to move. Through the mercy and grace of Jesus, we can navigate them, knowing that no matter where we look or how hard, our Lord has gone before and will show us the way.



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